The most popular iOS affirmation app is now available on Android for the first time!
Unique Daily Affirmations Free is a creative affirmation tool that helps you succeed in your endeavors, bring you out from under the clouds, and make positive changes in your life. Through uplifting statements and quotes, you'll believe in yourself with these one-a-day affirmations.
Hold down the green button to reveal your daily affirmation and effectively use the app by repeating the statement out loud. Saying the affirmation in front of a mirror is even better. It's been scientifically proven that the more stimuli your mind has, the more your mind will retain the information. By vocalizing in front of a mirror, you stimulate sight and sound.
Yang paling populer iOS penegasan aplikasi sekarang tersedia di Android untuk pertama kalinya!
Unik Afirmasi sehari-hari adalah alat penegasan kreatif yang membantu Anda sukses dalam usaha Anda, membawa Anda keluar dari bawah awan, dan membuat perubahan positif dalam hidup Anda. Melalui laporan menggembirakan dan kutipan, Anda akan percaya pada diri sendiri dengan satu-a-hari afirmasi ini.
Tahan tombol hijau untuk mengungkapkan penegasan harian Anda dan secara efektif menggunakan aplikasi dengan mengulangi pernyataan keras. Mengatakan penegasan di depan cermin bahkan lebih baik. Sudah terbukti secara ilmiah bahwa lebih rangsangan pikiran Anda memiliki, semakin pikiran Anda akan menyimpan informasi tersebut. Dengan bersuara di depan cermin, Anda merangsang penglihatan dan suara.
The most popular iOS affirmation app is now available on Android for the first time!
Unique Daily Affirmations Free is a creative affirmation tool that helps you succeed in your endeavors, bring you out from under the clouds, and make positive changes in your life. Through uplifting statements and quotes, you'll believe in yourself with these one-a-day affirmations.
Hold down the green button to reveal your daily affirmation and effectively use the app by repeating the statement out loud. Saying the affirmation in front of a mirror is even better. It's been scientifically proven that the more stimuli your mind has, the more your mind will retain the information. By vocalizing in front of a mirror, you stimulate sight and sound.